Mediating Land Use Conflicts

The Mount Cameroon (2003), Korup -Ndongere and Takamanda-Mone (2007) Technical Operation Units (TOUs) were created in the South West Region through Prime Ministerial decrees to contribute to the management of forest resources through a landscape approach. Due to the increasing land use related conflicts within the Banyang-Mbo Bakossi landscape, MINFOF within the framework of PSMNR-SWR is extending its intervention in support of the creation of a fourth TOU covering part of Kupe Muanenguba and Lebialem Divisions.

Issues with the South West Region’s Landscape
The absence of land use planning in South West Region and the progressive fragmentation of the regional landscape due to the growing pressure on forest resources represents a real challenge to ensure sustainable development.
The South West Region has a long history of agro-industrial plantations but in the last decade there is a growing interest for plantations extension and land prospection for new projects. Consequently, land is often acquired in an uncoordinated manner and directly negotiated with local communities.

Within this context, it is becoming quite challenging to ensure connectivity between protected areas which will become instead isolated islands. Wildlife corridors play a very important role in wildlife management; besides serving as migration paths, they play a role in the transfer of genetic material from one area to another, enable wildlife to respond to population pressure, ensure propagation of zoochoric plant species (seed dispersal of plants by animals), widen breading partner accessibility to plants and animals and shield local communities from human-wildlife and livestock-wildlife conflicts.
MINFOF within the framework of PSMNR-SWR has therefore identified that it is necessary to develop appropriate mechanisms for corridor management which should also contribute to ensure local development.


  • Improve TOUs operational capacities through appropriate capacity building and equipment;
  • Improve collaboration with agro-industries and other influential players within the TOU landscapes.
  • Improve collaboration between sectorial ministries
  • Contribute to the land use planning process in the South West Region with emphasis on the management of major wildlife corridors
  • Reduce encroachment in permanent forests.
  • Reduce human/wildlife conflicts
  • Facilitate the creating of the Banyang-Mbo Bakossi TOU

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MINFOF’s Interventions in TOUs within the framework of PSMNR-SWR
Within the framework of the PSMNR-SWR, TOUs have been addressing land use related conflicts with emphasis on permanent forests by playing the role of platforms for consultation and mitigation of such conflicts which have an impact on the management of the natural resources within the respective landscapes. In order to accomplish this mission, TOUs employ a four-step strategic approach:


  1. Identify and characterise conflicts;
  2. Fact finding missions to have a better understanding of the causes and factors, consequences, affected persons etc;
  3. Animate consultation platforms involving relevant stakeholders; and
  4. Follow-up the implementation of the conflict management strategy.

TOU Interventions

Within the framework of PSMNR-SWR, the scope of intervention of the TOU has been mainstreamed to the
following areas of interest:

  • LUC conflicts with PAs: encroachment, settlement expansion, human-wildlife conflicts, grazing, and river poisoning affecting downstream villages;
  • Boundary conflicts between: Forest Entities, villages and FE, companies and FE, villages within PAs;
  • Non repressive measures on illegal activities occurring in PAs such as sensitization and consultation with stakeholders;
  • LUC between large scale agro-industry and forest entities;
  • LUC between mining companies and forest entities;
  • LUC between small holder schemes and forest entities;
  • Contribution to the Land Use Planning Process in the South West; Region with emphasis on CorridorManagement;
  • Road opening in protected areas.

Within the framework of PSMNR-SWR, TOUs have been addressing the following major issues:

a) Conflicts related to Agro-Industries

  • Herakles Farms/SG SOC: within the framework of Herakles Farms/SGSOC’s request for 70,000ha of land to develop palm plantations, the TOU has been able to move for and achieve the cancellation of an overlap of 5,000Ha with the Mundemba Council Forest. The TOU intervention equally facilitated institution of a 3km wide buffer zone around Korup National Park (KNP). Also 11,000ha of land not included in the EIMP removed from lease.
  • CARGILL: Fact finding missions have been carried out following CARGILL’s prospection for about 38,000ha of land foroil palm cultivation in Ndian Division, South of Korup National Park. CARGILL is member of the Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) certification scheme.
  • PAMOL oil palm extension project: Facts gathered reveal that PAMOL has an agreement with GoC to create 17,000ha of oil palm plantation in the neighbourhoods of Mosongiseli, South of Korup. Extension work has started around Ekondo-Nene
  • CDC Palm Extension (Boa Plain) Palm/Rubber Extension Project (Manyu): CDC has targeted 5,000ha for palm plantation and 1,000ha for small holder palm plantation schemes in the Boa plain. CDC equally targets 30,000ha industrial plantation and 15-20,000ha small holder in Manyu. Meetings have been held with CDC authorities to discuss avenues of collaboration between TOU and CDC within the framework of the latter’s extension projects as well as other sectors of their intervention within the various landscapes.

b) Kosmos Energy oil exploration and production permit.

  • The Ndian exploration block overlaps with the proposed Ndongere National Park and Mokoko River Forest Reserve. KOSMOS’s Intervention zone was 49ha and the SIPO-1 drilling well site in the Mokoko River Forest Reserve covered 2ha. Sensitization and consultation meetings were held with KOSMOS and Boa community and the implementation of the ESMP followed up and the site is under rehabilitation.
  • The Fako exploration block overlaps with 17,669ha of the MCNP. The Minister of Forestry and Wildlife was informed; though KOSMOS Energy finally backed off from the Fako block since they could not fine commercial quantities of oil.

c) Encroachment in Permanent and Non-Permanent Forest Entities

  • Encroachment in the remnants of the Bomboko Forest Reserve (6,000ha): Encroachment survey was carried out in 2013 and survey results restituted to stakeholders. It was agreed that the remnants should maintain its status of Forest Reserve and jointly by the Council, Communities and MINFO. A benefit sharing mechanisms (communities) should be put in place. Elaboration of Management plan is awaited.
  • Encroachment into the Mokoko River Forest Reserve (FMU 11008B): Fact finding missions have been carried out and concerned villages sensitized.
  • Encroachment in the Southern Bakundu Forest Reserve: Rapid Socio-economic impact assessment carried out and assessment results restituted to relevant stakeholders. The Reserve is more than 80% encroached.
  • Encroachment of Mt Cameroon National Park: The TOU assisted park staff to conduct a survey and address the eviction of encroachers. In collaboration with the civil administration, mechanisms were put in place to ensure a peaceful withdrawal of farmers. Most farms have been abandoned.
  • Grazing and illegal settlement in the in the Takamanda National Park: Consultation meeting have been held with relevant stakeholders and major recommendations geared towards the gradual eviction of graziers and illegal occupants from the National Park taken. The implementation of resolutions and recommendations needs to be followed.
  • Nyang and Opkambe are included in FMU 11004: Divisional Classification Commission agreed that Nyang and Opkambe should be excluded from FMU 11004. The classification file forwarded to Yaounde excluded Nyang and Opkambe from FMU 11004.
  • Opening of road in FMU 11003 to link Mbakem to Agborkem: Fact finding mission carried out and a meeting involving the SDO of Manyu Division, community members representatives MINFOF and the timber exploitation licence holder (SEFECCAM) conducted and it was agreed that SEFECCAM should put gates at entry and exit points.
  • Intensive land speculation along the Bamenda-Ekok road (Trans-African High Way): Facts related to the land speculation have been documented after conducting fact finding missions and some impact villages sensitized on the imminent dangers related to uncoordinated sales of land.